I hope my boyfriend don't mind it.
These are the lyrics from a Katy Perry song. My son heard this song on the radio and started singing the song. I heard him and told him that it was an adult song and he should not sing it. He kept asking me, "Why Mommy?" "Why, Why, Why?" I could not come up with a better reason than it was not a kid's song. When I got home, I asked my husband to explain to Riley why this was not a good song for him to sing, and my husband could not come up with a better reason than I had. The evening went on and something happened and a light bulb clicked in my head, I had the perfect reason why Riley should not sing this song. I told him it was a girl's song. That did stop him from singing it for awhile, but sometimes he tells me it is stuck in his head.
During the few days that we were out of school because of the wind storm caused by Hurricane Ike, I was watching my best friend's daughter who is eight. The three of us were in the car together when I Kissed A Girl came on. The girl asked me to turn it up and started to sing along. Riley told her that she should not sing that song because it was an adult song. She told Riley that it was not an adult song, it was a teen or preteen song and she liked it. So, they went back and forth for awhile with me thinking, does it really matter what my five year old, boy or girl, sings? And, eight is not considered preteen in my book!