Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, April 28, 2008

Public Restroom

At what age is it okay to send your opposite sex child into a public restroom by themselves?

Riley had asked me a few months ago why he had to go into the women's restroom, and I told him that he was not old enough to go to the boys' room by himself and if he was with Mommy, then he would have to use the women's room. He then asked me why Mommy could not go to the men's room. I told him that Mommy were not allowed in the men's room, but little boys were allowed in the women's room.

Well, last week we were in Target. Riley had to go to the restroom. They were cleaning the women's room, and the family restroom was occupied. He had to go really bad so there was no choice but to send him into the men's room by himself. I have to admit that I waited at the door with it a little open. Thank god that it was the middle of the day and most of the shoppers at Target were women. There was no one that I know of in the men's restroom, and I could hear Riley use the restroom, flush the toilet, and go to the sink and wash his hands. I was pretty proud of him! He did a great job!

But, I will probably wait at least one more year before I let him go to the men's room himself on a regular basis.

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