Santa brought Riley a shooting set. It is cans/bottles on a log. It is pretty cool because it uses infrared technology to shoot the cans/bottles down rather than bullets.
Riley also got a pirate ship from Santa. I do not think that this was a big hit for him. The shooting set was more exciting even though it was not the same as the one he saw in the catalog.
The other gift that Santa brought was not one that Riley had requested, but one that Mommy and Daddy thought would be entertainment for his flight to Hawaii. He got a Pocket V Tech Smile portable video game. He did end up playing with it on the plane and hopefully, it will be useful at home in the car.
Santa also appeared at Auntie Rosanna's in Hawaii. He brought sand toys and Thomas the Tank Engine videos.
Riley was really blessed this year at Christmas!
For the son who loved transportation and has now moved onto Star Wars vehicles and building crab boats!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Public Restroom Follow Up
Back in April I had trouble letting Riley go into the men's restroom by himself. My neighbor says that there is a difference between school age children and non school age children, and she felt that once children hit school age, they are able to do certain things by themselves like be left outside for short periods of time.
Well, yesterday, Riley and I were at the library. Riley suddenly asked to go to the restroom and I had books that still needed to be checked out and the restroom is outside of the library. I went ahead and told Riley to go by himself, and I would watch him from the door. He went out of the library and into the lobby to the restroom. He can back out and came straight back into the library. I guess there is something to my neighbor's thinking. I guess my feeling was that if he can go to the restroom at school by himself, then he was capable of going into the restroom by himself at the library. I did ask him if he went into the men's room and he said that he did.
Well, yesterday, Riley and I were at the library. Riley suddenly asked to go to the restroom and I had books that still needed to be checked out and the restroom is outside of the library. I went ahead and told Riley to go by himself, and I would watch him from the door. He went out of the library and into the lobby to the restroom. He can back out and came straight back into the library. I guess there is something to my neighbor's thinking. I guess my feeling was that if he can go to the restroom at school by himself, then he was capable of going into the restroom by himself at the library. I did ask him if he went into the men's room and he said that he did.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Our Buckeye Fan
I was cooking this morning, and Riley and Reese were watching TV. I left them some brownies and peanut butter buckeyes to eat while I was busy. When we got in the car, I asked Riley if he shared the brownies with Reese and he said yes. I asked him if he ate any of the buckeyes, and his answer was, "I don't like that kind of buckeye; I only like the Buckeyes on the screen (TV sports)".
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Two Lefties
We went to visit Riley's cousin last weekend. Riley was so excited to go and visit him. His cousin was very nice to him, and Riley even stayed the night with his cousin in his room both nights. I heard his cousin read books to Riley and let Riley play with is Lego game on the X-Box. They had a great time, and Riley is really lucky to have cousins to look after him.
This is Riley and his cousin trying to use their weight against the strength of a shark's jaws. The following is a picture from our lunch at Johnny Rockets, smiley ketchup brings back memories of a ketchup mess on the floor!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Clothing has been a problem this year. Riley has decided that he does not like anything with collars. He wears long sleeve cotton shirts with ease especially those from Land's End. They are a great quality shirt that I do not mind spending the money on because he will wear the shirts in all seasons. I bought pants for Riley that he will not wear because they are not soft. I have found that he likes sweatpants and jersey knit pants that I have found at Sears. Anything else and he complains.
Riley spent all summer in tennis shoes or barefooted. He would not wear sandals. Now that the fall is here, he is wearing all of his tennis shoes even those from Stride Ride that he didn't like in the spring; they felt funny.
I think that Riley has a tendency to like clothes that are a bit small and tight fitting. He may need that extra sensory input. I was going to give away a jacket that he would originally not wear because it is now too small and suddenly Riley has decided that he likes it and has worn it everyday for the past week. I bought his winter coat a little big and I think that I might have problems this winter with either the bigness or the bulkiness. I did take the lining (fleece jacket) out of the winter coat and that has helped with the bulkiness, but he will probably complain until he grows into the coat.
Clothing is something I have chosen not to battle him about. He started to wear short sleeves this fall after wearing long sleeves most of the summer when he should have been wearing short sleeves. I let him wear the short sleeves, and most of the time he chose to wear a sweatshirt jacket over his t-shirt.
Riley spent all summer in tennis shoes or barefooted. He would not wear sandals. Now that the fall is here, he is wearing all of his tennis shoes even those from Stride Ride that he didn't like in the spring; they felt funny.
I think that Riley has a tendency to like clothes that are a bit small and tight fitting. He may need that extra sensory input. I was going to give away a jacket that he would originally not wear because it is now too small and suddenly Riley has decided that he likes it and has worn it everyday for the past week. I bought his winter coat a little big and I think that I might have problems this winter with either the bigness or the bulkiness. I did take the lining (fleece jacket) out of the winter coat and that has helped with the bulkiness, but he will probably complain until he grows into the coat.
Clothing is something I have chosen not to battle him about. He started to wear short sleeves this fall after wearing long sleeves most of the summer when he should have been wearing short sleeves. I let him wear the short sleeves, and most of the time he chose to wear a sweatshirt jacket over his t-shirt.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Just Like Mommy
We have now been in school about two months and the teacher came up to the van last week as I was picking up Riley and asked if she could meet with me to discuss a behavior plan for Riley. I told her we could meet on Monday.
At the meeting the teacher said that Riley is a really nice boy, but he had some trouble focusing on what he was suppose to do. She wanted to set up a plan where Riley would be rewarded for completing his afternoon work. He had trouble completing his first assignment of the day; he liked to talk instead of completing his work.
I agreed to the behavior plan and gave the teacher some suggestions that the OT had given to us with regards to Riley's writing and coloring like having him use a short pencil and half crayons to strengthen his fingers. I also asked that if Riley is switching hands for her to encourage him to use his left hand because he has been left hand dominant since he was 14 months old.
As I was in this meeting, I thought he is just like I was when I was young. I liked to talk and socialize rather than complete my work in school also. In many ways Riley is just like me. He is his mother's son.
Well, he was able to stick to the behavior plan for one day. The other two days this week, he did not complete his first assignment. We'll see what he does tomorrow after all the sugar tonight from trick or treat!
At the meeting the teacher said that Riley is a really nice boy, but he had some trouble focusing on what he was suppose to do. She wanted to set up a plan where Riley would be rewarded for completing his afternoon work. He had trouble completing his first assignment of the day; he liked to talk instead of completing his work.
I agreed to the behavior plan and gave the teacher some suggestions that the OT had given to us with regards to Riley's writing and coloring like having him use a short pencil and half crayons to strengthen his fingers. I also asked that if Riley is switching hands for her to encourage him to use his left hand because he has been left hand dominant since he was 14 months old.
As I was in this meeting, I thought he is just like I was when I was young. I liked to talk and socialize rather than complete my work in school also. In many ways Riley is just like me. He is his mother's son.
Well, he was able to stick to the behavior plan for one day. The other two days this week, he did not complete his first assignment. We'll see what he does tomorrow after all the sugar tonight from trick or treat!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I Kissed A Girl...
I kissed a girl and I kind of liked it.
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it.
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it.
These are the lyrics from a Katy Perry song. My son heard this song on the radio and started singing the song. I heard him and told him that it was an adult song and he should not sing it. He kept asking me, "Why Mommy?" "Why, Why, Why?" I could not come up with a better reason than it was not a kid's song. When I got home, I asked my husband to explain to Riley why this was not a good song for him to sing, and my husband could not come up with a better reason than I had. The evening went on and something happened and a light bulb clicked in my head, I had the perfect reason why Riley should not sing this song. I told him it was a girl's song. That did stop him from singing it for awhile, but sometimes he tells me it is stuck in his head.
During the few days that we were out of school because of the wind storm caused by Hurricane Ike, I was watching my best friend's daughter who is eight. The three of us were in the car together when I Kissed A Girl came on. The girl asked me to turn it up and started to sing along. Riley told her that she should not sing that song because it was an adult song. She told Riley that it was not an adult song, it was a teen or preteen song and she liked it. So, they went back and forth for awhile with me thinking, does it really matter what my five year old, boy or girl, sings? And, eight is not considered preteen in my book!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Pledge of Allegiance
As we were walking out of school today, Riley noticed that the safety patrols were taking the flag down and folding it in front of the school. He asked me why and I told him that the flag could only stay on the flag pole at night when it is lit. He told me that he had a flag in his classroom, and it was on a stick. I asked him if he said the Pledge of Allegiance in his classroom. He said, Yes. I asked him if he could recite the Pledge of Allegiance, and he recited it for me perfectly except for the word liberty, which I corrected, and he now says properly. I asked Riley who taught him the pledge and he said his teacher. I asked him if his teacher last year did the pledge with him, and he said no. I am so proud that he learned something in the first weeks of school, and this shows that his verbal and auditory skills are his strengths.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Kindergarten seems to be going well. Riley is excited to go everyday when it comes time to go to school. He likes to see his friends and seems to have a way with the girls although he would prefer to play with boys his age. At night when we talk about school, he tells me he does not like school and that school is boring. In his language, school is boring means that it is hard for him. I think that sometimes when he is asked to do things that are hard for him like writing or possibly even sitting still in his seat, he tends to give up without even trying. Some of his problem is that he is very insecure, somewhat emotional, and a worrier. He worries about everything, but especially if people like him and want to be his friend. I keep trying to reassure him that if a friend does not play with him, it is not because they do not like him anymore, but they may want to play with someone else that day. I try to explain the dynamics of friendship, and that it is a give and take process where sometimes you have to play what your friends want to play. I hope that he eventually trusts the friendships that he makes and know that they will not disappear overnight.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Last Gymnastics Camp
Riley went to gymnastics camp for two weeks earlier in the summer, and one day came home and said that he was the only one who could not do a cartwheel. I was thinking that he was talking about a real cartwheel with feet in the air and all. I found out during the show on Friday that it was just the placing on his hands on the mat and swinging his legs over the mat. I was really proud of him when we went to his last gymnastics camp, and he attempted to do the cartwheel.

I believe that his favorite part of camp was the cheese pit. He liked to swing on the bar above the pit and drop into it as well as run in the cheese.

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Amusement Park
Riley enjoyed the water rides more than the land rides. He liked the water playground and the wave pool the most. He also rode on a raft slide with his aunt.
We went on the Scooby Doo ride and I thought that Riley might be afraid because even though he likes Scooby Doo, he was not sure about the ride. It was a good ride in that he got so involved in shooting at things that he did not think about the ghosts and being scared.
Here are some pictures of Riley driving at the park.

We went on the Scooby Doo ride and I thought that Riley might be afraid because even though he likes Scooby Doo, he was not sure about the ride. It was a good ride in that he got so involved in shooting at things that he did not think about the ghosts and being scared.
Here are some pictures of Riley driving at the park.
Although he went on most of the land rides, it was so hot the day that we went that Riley was not very interested in the land rides, he just wanted to go back to the water park.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Occupational Therapy
We finally got the call for Riley to start occupational therapy. We started on July 15th and the OT was able to give us some good pointers.
The first day we talked about some of the things that had changed since he was evaluated. This OT was honest with me and stated that Sensory Issues were not her specialty, and she was not sure why she was given Riley except that he might not have had a specification on his OT scrip. She was helpful in providing me information and activities for Riley to do, but eventually, we will have to change OTs in order to help Riley more. I was just glad to get off the waiting list. The pointer from this day was to have Riley use a broken crayon to write with so that it would make him use his fingers more and strengthen them. We also talked about the use of obstacle courses and the crab walk to help with the motor planning and development.
The second visit the OT tested Riley's grip strength and the strength of his fingers. At the age of six the grip strength is suppose to be 32 lbs. Riley's, at five and a half, is 16 lbs. The OT gave us some putty to work on finger and grip strength. She also gave us some ideas for heavy work activities and proprioceptive activities to work on Riley's awareness of his body position.
The last two visits I have not been able to take Riley to. I have had to work. But, from what I have seen from his homework, it seems like she is continuing to work with his fine motor skills and obstacle courses for gross motor skills.
The first day we talked about some of the things that had changed since he was evaluated. This OT was honest with me and stated that Sensory Issues were not her specialty, and she was not sure why she was given Riley except that he might not have had a specification on his OT scrip. She was helpful in providing me information and activities for Riley to do, but eventually, we will have to change OTs in order to help Riley more. I was just glad to get off the waiting list. The pointer from this day was to have Riley use a broken crayon to write with so that it would make him use his fingers more and strengthen them. We also talked about the use of obstacle courses and the crab walk to help with the motor planning and development.
The second visit the OT tested Riley's grip strength and the strength of his fingers. At the age of six the grip strength is suppose to be 32 lbs. Riley's, at five and a half, is 16 lbs. The OT gave us some putty to work on finger and grip strength. She also gave us some ideas for heavy work activities and proprioceptive activities to work on Riley's awareness of his body position.
The last two visits I have not been able to take Riley to. I have had to work. But, from what I have seen from his homework, it seems like she is continuing to work with his fine motor skills and obstacle courses for gross motor skills.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Gymnastics Camp
Riley went to gymnastics camp for two weeks. He had a great time even though he was the only boy and he is not very talented in gymnastics. He remembers the teachers from last year when he went to camp there and from when he took gymnastic lessons. They think that he is very comical because he talks a great deal.
The camp has a show every Friday when the children show what they have learned during the week. Riley is usually able to do about half the things that he is taught properly. This past week he would not try to go on the balance beam, I think because they were using the taller one this time.
His favorite things are the bars and the cheese pit.
The camp has a show every Friday when the children show what they have learned during the week. Riley is usually able to do about half the things that he is taught properly. This past week he would not try to go on the balance beam, I think because they were using the taller one this time.
His favorite things are the bars and the cheese pit.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Smell v. Hear
I was in the bathroom this morning, and I asked Riley to come into the bathroom to brush his teeth. When Riley got to the bathroom, he told me that he could not brush his teeth because the smell in the bathroom was disgusting. I turned on the fan to air out the smell, and Riley turned off the fan because it was too loud. He tolerated the smell and brushed his teeth without the fan.
I think the smell was the lesser of the two evils with regards to his senses. He could tolerate the smell better than he could tolerate the sound of the fan.
I think the smell was the lesser of the two evils with regards to his senses. He could tolerate the smell better than he could tolerate the sound of the fan.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Preschool Graduation
Riley graduated from preschool on Wednesday night. He was very cute and did a great job. Even though he did not sing any of the songs, he did do the hand motions. He looked so grown up and will be going to kindergarten next year, half day in the afternoon. I think that he is excited about this prospect.
We got his final progress report yesterday in the mail and it seems that Riley has improved in many areas with regards to communicating and listening to others as well as making his needs and wants known to his peers.

We got his final progress report yesterday in the mail and it seems that Riley has improved in many areas with regards to communicating and listening to others as well as making his needs and wants known to his peers.

From preschool graduation class of 2008 to high school graduation class of 2021!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Long Sleeves & Long Pants
I am having trouble with Riley wanting to wear t-shirts and shorts this season. He likes the cold weather and somehow thinks if he continues to wear long sleeves and long pants, the weather will cooperate and get cold again.
I know that seasonal change in clothing is a sensory problem also, but I have not found the solution to addressing the problem. How do I get him to wear t-shirt and shorts when it is hot outside? I went and bought him a new pair of shorts today that were very comfortable feeling and I told him that some time soon we will have shorts day, and he will have to wear shorts. He said okay. I asked him if he would wear the shorts that I bought him today, and he said yes. I hope this works or you will see my son sweating like crazy this summer!
I know that seasonal change in clothing is a sensory problem also, but I have not found the solution to addressing the problem. How do I get him to wear t-shirt and shorts when it is hot outside? I went and bought him a new pair of shorts today that were very comfortable feeling and I told him that some time soon we will have shorts day, and he will have to wear shorts. He said okay. I asked him if he would wear the shorts that I bought him today, and he said yes. I hope this works or you will see my son sweating like crazy this summer!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Public Restroom
At what age is it okay to send your opposite sex child into a public restroom by themselves?
Riley had asked me a few months ago why he had to go into the women's restroom, and I told him that he was not old enough to go to the boys' room by himself and if he was with Mommy, then he would have to use the women's room. He then asked me why Mommy could not go to the men's room. I told him that Mommy were not allowed in the men's room, but little boys were allowed in the women's room.
Well, last week we were in Target. Riley had to go to the restroom. They were cleaning the women's room, and the family restroom was occupied. He had to go really bad so there was no choice but to send him into the men's room by himself. I have to admit that I waited at the door with it a little open. Thank god that it was the middle of the day and most of the shoppers at Target were women. There was no one that I know of in the men's restroom, and I could hear Riley use the restroom, flush the toilet, and go to the sink and wash his hands. I was pretty proud of him! He did a great job!
But, I will probably wait at least one more year before I let him go to the men's room himself on a regular basis.
Riley had asked me a few months ago why he had to go into the women's restroom, and I told him that he was not old enough to go to the boys' room by himself and if he was with Mommy, then he would have to use the women's room. He then asked me why Mommy could not go to the men's room. I told him that Mommy were not allowed in the men's room, but little boys were allowed in the women's room.
Well, last week we were in Target. Riley had to go to the restroom. They were cleaning the women's room, and the family restroom was occupied. He had to go really bad so there was no choice but to send him into the men's room by himself. I have to admit that I waited at the door with it a little open. Thank god that it was the middle of the day and most of the shoppers at Target were women. There was no one that I know of in the men's restroom, and I could hear Riley use the restroom, flush the toilet, and go to the sink and wash his hands. I was pretty proud of him! He did a great job!
But, I will probably wait at least one more year before I let him go to the men's room himself on a regular basis.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Vocabulary Learned From TV
A few weeks back Riley started using one word command again, such as "Drink" when he wanted a drink or "Noggin" for when he wanted to watch TV. I was worried that he was regressing until I heard Max on Max & Ruby and when he spoke, it was only one word.
Then, Riley started calling his dad "Pops" instead of "Daddy". It was possible that he got that from his own dad since Riley's grandpa is referred to as Pops, but I do not think he hears that that often. When I asked Riley where he got Pops from, he told me SpongeBob SquarePants.
The use of "whatever", he says comes from Wow Wow Wubbsy and the newest is "bor-ring", which is from Arthur.
Out of the mouth of babes...
Then, Riley started calling his dad "Pops" instead of "Daddy". It was possible that he got that from his own dad since Riley's grandpa is referred to as Pops, but I do not think he hears that that often. When I asked Riley where he got Pops from, he told me SpongeBob SquarePants.
The use of "whatever", he says comes from Wow Wow Wubbsy and the newest is "bor-ring", which is from Arthur.
Out of the mouth of babes...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Transition Meeting
Riley is well and made it back to school after spring break healthy.
As I thought Riley did not qualify for services next year and will go onto regular kindergarten with no services. They did feel as I do that there is something there, but not something that is affecting his educational progress at this point in time. In other words, he does not qualify for services in the school setting.
I did contact the occupational therapist and Riley is suppose to start private OT soon.
As I thought Riley did not qualify for services next year and will go onto regular kindergarten with no services. They did feel as I do that there is something there, but not something that is affecting his educational progress at this point in time. In other words, he does not qualify for services in the school setting.
I did contact the occupational therapist and Riley is suppose to start private OT soon.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Riley was diagnosed with influenza on Tuesday. It has been a very up and down week as we have battled bad tasting medicine that causes stomach ache, headache, muscle aches and pains, etc. Hopefully, by next week, he will be on the up and up and can enjoy some of his spring break.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Occupational Therapy Evaluation
I had Riley evaluated by an OT about a month ago. Based on the preliminary evaluation, she feels that he has some oral-motor issues as well as motor planning issues. I noticed during the evaluation that he could repeat a three step clapping pattern, but when she added another step, he got all confused.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I Can Help Myself
Yesterday was a snow day. Riley did not have to go to school. He is always complaining about not having a job so I told him that his new job is to shovel snow which is something he loves doing anyway. Earlier in the season I had to buy Riley his own shovel so that I would be able to use the adult shovel. It is blue and he loves it. We have to take it with us when it is snowing so that he can shovel wherever he is at, the flower shop, the restaurant, PaPa and YaiYai's, at home, etc.
We were running errands and stopped at home to shovel the snow on the driveway because I knew that we would be home late. Riley went down the street to play with the neighbor boy, and I followed him down there after awhile to talk with the boy's mother. Riley went back toward the house because our other neighbor came out to shovel, and he wanted to visit with him. Then, Riley disappears into the house. When he did not come out, I followed him in and found out that he did not make it to the rest room in time since he had on snow pants. By himself, he stripped down, found dry clothes, changed, and was getting ready to go back outside. I was very proud of him for doing all of this by himself!
Then, I thought about the wet clothes and asked him where they were. He could not tell me! I looked everywhere, and I finally found them in his underwear drawer! I was not too happy about that, but he promised not to do it again (put dirty clothes in his drawers)!
We were running errands and stopped at home to shovel the snow on the driveway because I knew that we would be home late. Riley went down the street to play with the neighbor boy, and I followed him down there after awhile to talk with the boy's mother. Riley went back toward the house because our other neighbor came out to shovel, and he wanted to visit with him. Then, Riley disappears into the house. When he did not come out, I followed him in and found out that he did not make it to the rest room in time since he had on snow pants. By himself, he stripped down, found dry clothes, changed, and was getting ready to go back outside. I was very proud of him for doing all of this by himself!
Then, I thought about the wet clothes and asked him where they were. He could not tell me! I looked everywhere, and I finally found them in his underwear drawer! I was not too happy about that, but he promised not to do it again (put dirty clothes in his drawers)!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Been having some meltdowns lately and not sure of the cause. Saturday's meltdown was over not being able to get out of the car to go and pay a bill with Mommy. Riley was in the car with his sister and grandma waiting because we were just going to drive around the mall to another entrance after I paid the bill at Macy's. I think he did not like being left behind even for a few minutes. He has been somewhat attached to Mommy lately, maybe due to change in routine.
On Sunday Riley had a meltdown as we were leaving to go to get ice cream. He threw a fit because I would not allow him to take his gun to the ice cream store. Maybe Riley feels he does not have control and is therefore acting out.
Yesterday, Riley had a meltdown with grandma. Grandma ordered food, and I did not send along anything for him. Grandma had to send someone back to get him what he wanted from the restaurant.
Hopefully, being with me tonight at my book club will help him to behave. Riley always want to go to book club with me, and this is the perfect way for him to see the book club, as I am hosting it.
On Sunday Riley had a meltdown as we were leaving to go to get ice cream. He threw a fit because I would not allow him to take his gun to the ice cream store. Maybe Riley feels he does not have control and is therefore acting out.
Yesterday, Riley had a meltdown with grandma. Grandma ordered food, and I did not send along anything for him. Grandma had to send someone back to get him what he wanted from the restaurant.
Hopefully, being with me tonight at my book club will help him to behave. Riley always want to go to book club with me, and this is the perfect way for him to see the book club, as I am hosting it.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Talking to Daddy and Strangers
Riley and his dad have a little running joke going. It goes like this.
Daddy: "You're a dork!"
Riley: "No, you're a dork!"
It has moved onto to Riley's replying, "You're a dork and a half".
A few days ago Riley replied to Daddy, "You have long hair and no neck".
Last night we were at the mall, and Riley was talking to the man behind us in line. He told the man, "My name is Riley, but my daddy calls me dork".
Out of the mouth of babes and I could only imagine what the man and his son were thinking!
Daddy: "You're a dork!"
Riley: "No, you're a dork!"
It has moved onto to Riley's replying, "You're a dork and a half".
A few days ago Riley replied to Daddy, "You have long hair and no neck".
Last night we were at the mall, and Riley was talking to the man behind us in line. He told the man, "My name is Riley, but my daddy calls me dork".
Out of the mouth of babes and I could only imagine what the man and his son were thinking!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down Confusion
After Christmas Riley's classroom implemented a new behavior system that started each child off each day with three thumbs ups. For misbehavior Riley would have to go and turn one of his thumbs to the down position and miss five minutes of recess if he could not correct his behavior. He would have the opportunity to return his thumb to the up position if he corrected his behavior and would be given a small treat at the end of each day for having three thumbs up.
About a week after the behavior system started, I started asking Riley each day how many thumbs up he had at school, and he would always tell me two and show me his two thumbs. Then, he would proceed to tell me that thumbs up meant open, and thumbs down meant closed. (The last is from an episode of Handy Manny when Manny and the tools give Kelly a sign for her store.) I then showed him the example that the teacher had sent home and asked him if he saw these thumbs in his classroom and how many did he get up and he would still tell me two.
Finally, I had to ask the teacher. I explained to her my dilemma and his confusion of having two thumbs, one on each hand v. having three thumbs posted at school. She told me that he has never gotten a thumbs down, and he gets the prize everyday. She said to try and ask him whether or not he got the prize for the day. Today, I asked him if he got a high five, he said, "No, Mommy, but I got a sticker on my mitten, see!" That meant that he got three thumbs up for the day. We are making progress at understanding!
About a week after the behavior system started, I started asking Riley each day how many thumbs up he had at school, and he would always tell me two and show me his two thumbs. Then, he would proceed to tell me that thumbs up meant open, and thumbs down meant closed. (The last is from an episode of Handy Manny when Manny and the tools give Kelly a sign for her store.) I then showed him the example that the teacher had sent home and asked him if he saw these thumbs in his classroom and how many did he get up and he would still tell me two.
Finally, I had to ask the teacher. I explained to her my dilemma and his confusion of having two thumbs, one on each hand v. having three thumbs posted at school. She told me that he has never gotten a thumbs down, and he gets the prize everyday. She said to try and ask him whether or not he got the prize for the day. Today, I asked him if he got a high five, he said, "No, Mommy, but I got a sticker on my mitten, see!" That meant that he got three thumbs up for the day. We are making progress at understanding!
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